Tuesday, January 12, 2010

'Tis the month for many celebrations!

I started my Math class this last Saturday. 8am. THAT was tough to get up on a Saturday morning to go do math...  ugh. And I'm sure it will only continue to get harder. But once I woke up and got there it went really well. I was really worried because it's been FOREVER since I've done math. But it seems to be slowly creeping back into my "old lady" brain. =) Yes. I said "old lady". My birthday is this Thursday. I will be 25. Or, as Kaleb has enjoyed pointing out, halfway to 50 or also a quarter of a century old. It's alright. He's an old fart too. ; ) 

It's really odd as you get older. Birthdays come and go, and they fly by faster with each recurring one. You always hear from those older than you that time only speeds up faster and faster as you get older. But you never REALLY get it until you start getting older yourself. And it's SO true! You wake up one morning with yet another stiff back and look at your kids and wonder, "Who the heck are these children and where did my babies go???" I know some would say, "25??? Seriously, you're still a young punk!" But, honestly, 25 is one of those ages that make you stop and wonder where the time has really gone.... There was a day that 25 sounded reeeeeeally OLD... 

My two beautiful babies have their birthdays this month too. Angela Mae will be 6!! I can't believe it! She's growing so fast! They both are! Little Justin will be 2. Officially a toddler. It's absolutely insane. It makes me feel even older. *sigh* Ah well...  such is life... and it's okay, because life is beautiful... and the passing years only enhance it's beauty...


  1. Happy Birthday tomorrow, hope you do something fun!It's okay to get older, I think that's the fun of life, growing old with the people you love.

  2. Being 25 does make you panic! I'm about to freak because I am going to be 26 this year!!!! I just think back to when we were all 15 and 16 having the time of our lives being nerdy awesome teenagers! Oh, how I wish we could go back and be young and dumb again!!!! Remember when I fell up the stairs or hide and go seek at the park..... being a grown up blows, lol!

  3. Cassie-- You're TOTALLY right... there's nothing more precious than growing old with the ones you love. Thanks for that. It made me smile. =)

    Larissa-- 26??? You're so OLD!! =P lol... TOTALLY kidding!! I love you!! I seriously, just now, laughed out loud when I re-lived a mental picture of you falling gracefully up the stairs... heeheehee! XD
    Being a grown-up really does suck!! Angie tells me constantly she can't wait to grow up and be a Mom and make ALL the rules! Oh if she only KNEW!! I want her to just stay little...
