**Some of this may sound/seem outdated to some of you. It took me A MILLION YEARS to crank out this post. Literally.... almost another year. I know, that's ridiculous! Oh well... Here is a look at what us Knobels were up to during the year 2011 (and a little of 2012).....
MARCH 2011
Along with the birth of our 3rd child (2nd boy!), Callum Robert Knobel, March also brought Kaleb and I's FOURTH wedding anniversary. FOUR YEARS!! Woo-Hoo!! =) I was still a bit of a Zombie due to just having had a baby, so it was a bit of a low-key celebration this year. We still were able to manage a night out and exchange meaningful gifts, and we (especially me!) both counted our blessings and thanked the Lord to have each other to share Eternity with. =) I love that man with all my heart and soul, and then some! I am so very lucky and happy to have found someone who is not only the love of my life, but also my very BEST friend. As I have gotten older (and perhaps wiser??), I have realized I don't have as many good, close friends as I used to -- I have a couple, and I still have nights out with the girls, but nothing crazy busy or time-consuming. But honestly, I've discovered that, actually, I don't care THAT much... My husband is my best and closest friend. Someone I can ALWAYS rely on through thick and thin. Someone who will love me in spite of myself. Someone who will always stick up for me and have my back no matter what. Someone I can entrust with my deepest, darkest secrets and feelings and never feel judged or worried about who he will tell. He is, without a doubt, the epitome of a PERFECT best friend; Someone I will always pick to spend time with over everyone else. To have all of this mixed into an Eternal Companion is something everyone should have.
APRIL 2011
Angela started SOCCER and thoroughly loved it! She made a cute little friend (the only other girl on the team) and they hung out constantly at practice and their games. All too often they'd be out on the field during a game dancing and singing and making silly faces together INSTEAD of paying attention to the BALL! It drove this competitive mother a little batty, but, I have to admit, it WAS cute... just a little... ; ) Her team wore green and dubbed themselves the "PYTHONS". They won a couple games, tied a couple, and lost the rest. Not sure if it was the coach (who was super nice, but a little passive), the team chemistry, or what... but they didn't have the best of luck. But they all seemed enthusiastic and seemed to have a grand old time, so I guess that's what really matters at this age, right? Angela said she would do soccer again in a heartbeat, so I guess it was a fun time for her. The kids even got to do a *meet-n-greet* with some players from the ReAl Salt Lake team. Angela got an autograph and a picture with one (even though she didn't seem all that impressed - lol!). We had lots of family/friend support at her games and would almost always head out afterwards with everyone to celebrate (win or lose) together. Thanks for everyone who came out and supported her! =)
Not sure how I did, but I just realized I never blogged about her Ballet Recital last winter (2010)! She was FABULOUS of course! (she IS my daughter *wink*) She was perfectly in step and beautiful and confident. I was so proud of her! She literally sparkled on stage and everyone was so thrilled! Unfortunately, a few weeks later she decided it just wasn't challenging/active enough for her. I was so hoping she would be my little dancer girl, but, alas, she appears to be quite a bit like me in the sense that she likes to run, compete, and be ACTIVE (hence the previously mentioned transition to Soccer). I'm sad to have to put away the ballet slippers and Tutu (especially for what they COST! *gulp*), but I want her to find and do something she absolutely LOVES through and through.
Easter was great fun this year with THREE kiddos to be a part of the festivities. Cal didn't do MUCH except wear some festive outfits and look cute, but that's okay. There was lots of egg-dyeing and hunting, and baskets filled with goodies. Easter Sunday was Callum and I's 2nd Sunday back at church. We all dressed in fancy duds and enjoyed time to reflect on the REAL meaning of Easter. Callum wore a darling navy blue pin-stripe suit set that was handmade for Kaleb when he was blessed as a baby. All three kids looked absolutely adorable.
The first Sunday in May we had our little Callum boy blessed. He was such a handsome little guy in his white tuxedo (complete with jacket and tails and bow-tie!). He looked like a cute, shrunken, little man. Tons of family and friends were there and it was great! We had a luncheon shin-dig afterwards and I don't think Cal ever got put down. Lots of pictures, hugs, and laughs. It's so nice to have everyone together and to physically see how truly blessed we are with such a strong, loving support network. We really do have the BEST family and friends!!
Mother's Day came along this month as well. Me, my mom, and Kaleb's mom got treated to a DELICIOUS feast at Tucano's. We all went together and relished in their ah-MAZ-ing food! I absolutely LOVE that place. For those of you that don't know it, it's a brazilian grill like Rodizio's, only better, in my opinion! All us Mom's got pretty flowers and chocolate covered strawberries at the end of our meal. Marvelous! The kids each surprised me with a Build-A-Bear that they had built all on their own (Cal had some help) to resemble themselves. It was really sweet to say the least, even though you can all probably guess where those bears spend most of their time.... ; )
Angela finished up Soccer, and then, towards the end of May, started TRACK AND FIELD! I think I was way more excited about it than she was due to the family legacy of kick-butt runners we have in our bloodline. But she thought it was pretty cool to run and beat people! I hate to sound super prideful here, but, she seriously ROCKED that track! There were only 2 races ALL SEASON that she didn't place *First* in. Standing across the field and watching her run, all you could see were LEGS on that girl! I, of course, went into "Crazy Coach" mode before every race. She would stare at me glassy-eyed as I listed about 5 million pointers on how to OWN her race. Whether any of it actually got through, or she's just that naturally talented, or maybe both... who knows! But almost every time she would totally dominate the track. And I, of course, would then freak out... It was a good experience for everyone and our little track star came away with several ribbons.
I began a very low-key preschool program with Justin. Just him and I and a BIG preschool workbook at home. We've been able to keep it up quite regularly and he is definitely learning. I love it! And once or twice a week I also do a fun art project with him. I try to keep the projects centered around whatever season it is. We've done some fun things which have ALL gone on display, and he is lapping up every minute of it all. He is constantly asking if we can do his "school". He is such a bright little boy and I know is he going to LOVE real school when it comes time for him to go.
Also in May I got the chance to go to U2's Salt Lake City concert. I, again, had scored a PRIME location (with the help of friends) and danced, screamed, and sang the night away with one of the GREATEST rock bands EVER! My good friend, Misty, indulged me and my obsession by standing in line for hours with me to go inside the stadium and spend several more hours on our feet. She was so awesome about it and danced and screamed and sang right along with me. Such a good sport! Love you Misty! We were so close (within arms reach!) and the show was UNBELIEVABLE! As if you could expect anything less from them!
For Memorial Day, we took part in the annual pond-fishing with Kaleb's family. Our good friends, The Northrops, were able to come as well and everyone had a fabulous time. We had Subway for lunch and then headed to the Trout Farm. Lots of fish were caught (but none came home with us! - ick!) and the drizzling rain was unable to dampen anyone's spirits. We enjoyed some FRESH ice cream after the fishing and then headed home.
The only really exciting thing to happen this month was Father's Day. Kaleb got some cool gifts, my personal favorite being the new "Best Dad Hands Down" shirt with all THREE kids' marks on it (painted hand-prints from Angie and Justin, and foot-prints from Cal Pal). My dad and Kaleb's dad got a *grandpa* version of the same. Those shirts are always so fun! Messy... and a little stressful for an OCD control-freak like myself... but totally worth it! I am so thankful for all the good DADS that I know and are lucky to have in my life. The old adage is so very true; "Any man can be a FATHER... It takes a REAL man to be a DAD..." I love all the REAL men in my life. I hope and pray my sons look up to them when they're trying to define what makes a *good* man.
The big event for July was the annual River Run up in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Both my sisters and their families were able to make it again- Hooray! And my Aunt and Uncle were FINALLY able to re-join the fun after being gone on a mission for 3 years! We sure missed them and it was great to have everyone back together again. We got lots of sun, water, and camping in, along with an evening at the local dude ranch there in Jackson Hole called *The Bar J*. Good food, a good show, and good company always make for a wonderful evening. Unfortunately, this year the river was running at an EXTREMELY high level, which made for less river-running than usual. The water was high and fast and there were new rapids due to a recent landslide and areas that were normally no big deal ended up being rather intimidating! It was still a fun trip regardless. Always is!
We all found out at the end of July that my sister is having a baby! I am so unbelievably excited for her. They have painstakingly worked their butts off to get this little one to come, and now it's finally happening! And to bring the news current, we all found out YESTERDAY that she will be having another precious little GIRL! So fun! Girl clothes are painfully adorable! By painfully I mean it literally HURTS when you realize how much money you've blown by being sucked into all the pink and bows and frills. I pray that her pregnancy continues to go well and look forward to meeting the little miss sometime in the beginning of April 2012.
This was a big month for our little family! The beginning of the month we escaped to ORLANDO for over a week to go to DISNEYWORLD!!! We had been planning and saving for this trip for over 2 YEARS! So, yes, needless to say, this trip was a HUGE deal to all of us! We all had an absolute blast. It was seriously a dream come true. Even spending NINE DAYS there just wasn't enough. You know the feeling you get at the end of a vacation, where you feel like you need a vacation from the vacation? Totally didn't feel that way at all for ANY of us. Even the kids, who naturally thrive on a routine/schedule, just plain were NOT ready to leave. Justin still randomly asks to go back to "our big hotel in Florida". We all loved it there and would go back in a heartbeat if we could (which we ARE desperately trying to figure out how to do! Anyone wanna rob a bank with me??). I absolutely feel that it was 100% worth the wait and the money to go ALL THE WAY to Florida instead of just hopping over to California. It truly felt like an ESCAPE, to go so far. It was fabulous... *sigh*
A couple days after we got back home from Florida, we finally sealed the deal on our very own HOUSE. Not just another rental... No, a free-standing HOUSE with a garage and a backyard and a deck and trees and a mailbox! All of which we OWN all to ourselves! It all happened pretty quickly too. We had never even thought it would be a reality to OWN a home just yet. But we talked with a family friend (who happened to be a realtor) and realized that maybe it was a dream that was closer than we thought! We got the ball rolling and jumped for joy when we found out that we qualified! We searched diligently for a couple months and saw lots and lots of houses. But when we toured the house we now call *home*, we knew it was THE ONE. It was in really good condition with just a couple of repairs that we were able to finance into the loan (new roof, plumbing repairs, new swamp cooler). We signed the papers and received the keys only a few days after returning from Florida. We were finally Home Owners! Yippee!! Our realtor, lender, and general contractor were absolutely FABULOUS! I would recommend them to ANYONE. We were moved in by the end of August and I have never been happier! I am so glad to not have to share any walls/floors with any cranky people (except for my own cranky kids, that is!) and to be able to decorate and do pretty much whatever I want with our home. I surely will NOT miss ANYTHING about the *renting* phase we went through. Yuck! That was just plain rough. I'm not sure how we managed to get some of the neighbors we did, but I am so grateful that's over and done with. I'm sure we'll still have interesting neighbors, but I don't have to live above/below/on the other side of the wall from them. HUGE BLESSING! The kids all have their own rooms. There's a Living room, TV room, Toy room, 2 bathrooms, 2 car garage, HUGE deck along the entire back of the house, good-sized yard with HUGE trees, shed, RV pad (we'll have to park something fun there someday!), and a garden spot. I could go on with a lengthy list of things I love about our house, but mostly I just love that it's OURS. There is also a list of upgrades and things we want to do with the place, but there will be plenty of time for that. We plan to be here for quite some time. I REFUSE to move again anytime soon, and I'm sure all our moving help will appreciate that as much as we will. The neighborhood is fantastic! We love the ward, and the church is within walking distance. And both kids have already made good friends. We're excited to be here and are loving it! I'm thrilled to finally have somewhere to raise our kids and make lifelong memories.
The end of August also brought Angela's first day of SECOND GRADE. I know, I can't believe it either... Seems just yesterday that I held her tiny little self for the first time. She looked stylin' and had a great first day, and has since made some fun, new friends at school. All her conferences have produced GLOWING reports of extreme intelligence mixed with a thorough love of the *social* arts... ; ) She has a wonderful principal and a great teacher and I'm very proud of her achievements.
The big event for this month was me surprising Angela with tickets to the Taylor Swift concert. She had no idea and I totally caught a picture of her face right as she figured out what we were doing. PRICELESS. She's my little concert buddy and we had a BLAST! We bought t-shirts and sang and danced the night away like crazy girls and enjoyed every minute of it. We even made it out and around back in time to watch Taylor wave from her black SUV as she left for the airport. We passed some of her stage/make-up crew along the way and got to chat with them a bit and Angie even got a guitar pick with Taylor's face on it. That was pretty cool! I absolutely ADORE Taylor Swift and truly hope being a big celebrity never changes her like it does so many others. She is such a cute girl and such a great role model for all the young girls who look up to her. We really need more celebs like her for our kids to idolize.
Kaleb had his 28th birthday this month. I'm married to an old man! I treated him to a yummy Steak dinner out at one of his favorite steak houses, Ruby River. Their food is super yummy! Some of the best steaks in town. And they do this baked, jacketed yam with caramel and marshmallows.... *sigh* Anyways... I surprised him with fundage to one of his favorite online stores, ThinkGeek. They actually have some crazy cool stuff on there. If you've never been, check it out! You don't HAVE to be a geek to enjoy their stuff.
Other activities of the month were new Family pictures taken up in the canyon with all the pretty Fall colors, a few Girls Nights Out with my awesome girlfriend, Misty, --which included dinner, makeovers, and thoughts of starting our own Mary Kay businesses (Misty started one, and I decided against it). Callum got his first two teeth (bottom center), and started scooting/army crawling to all-too-successfully get around.
Then, of course, there were all the Halloween festivities; pumpkin picking/carving, witch-hunting at Gardner Village, costume parades, and trick-or-treating. Callum was the honorary *Eeyore* that all my babies have worn for their first Halloweens. Justin, who was R2D2, teamed up with Daddy, who was C3PO. Angela was Rapunzel and I was a *Nudist On Strike*. LOL. We ended up with way too much candy and had tons of fun!
This month brought the first snow of the season! The kids thoroughly enjoyed frolicking in the snow and built a cute snowman that hung on for quite awhile after most of the snow melted!
I also was blessed with an extra source of income! Through a friend of mine from our old ward I connected with a girl that was looking for a sitter for her son. Our families met on a Saturday afternoon and I started watching him the following Tuesday. He's a darling little boy and I am so very grateful to be able to contribute a little to our income. Both Justin and Cal get along well with him and it's been going great! I watch him 3 days a week for 5 hours at a time. It may or may not continue through the Spring as they have some family moving back that might start watching him for them. It's nice to have some extra (much-needed!) mula and I would love to continue watching him, but I know the Lord knows what he's doing and I just have to trust in that. I have another babysitting *lead* that could prove to work out come Spring, so we will just have to see what becomes of it all.
Mid-November Kaleb's parents treated the whole family to *Disney On Ice*. That was so much fun! We've only gone once before when Angie was super little, and it was great fun to be there with everyone! There were lots of fun songs and cool moves and each kid got something fun to take home. It really made me miss our vacation we had in Florida even more though! Dang! Oh well... it was a nice evening all the same!
I took a stab at being *crafty* and made a TON of homemade baby food from fresh produce... and you know what??? It was a lot of fun! And a lot easier than I was expecting! Not to mention the unbelievable SAVINGS! What would have cost me almost 30 bucks in store-bought jars only cost me 6 bucks in produce! Seriously! I became hooked after that and have since then been making homemade baby food. We still get some jars just because they're good to throw in the diaper bag when you're away from home, but I mainly do all homemade now. So far I've done sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, bananas, pears, and apples. Next batch I'm gonna try peaches (if I can find any!), squash, and peas. I wish I would have tried this sooner and saved more money... he's eating quite a bit of table food now so the need for baby food won't last too much longer, but I will save for as long as I can!
Last, but not least, we had THANKSGIVING! My sister, Kim, and her family were able to make it to town for the Holiday and the kids all had a good time playing together. Grandma and Grandpa even survived a sleep over with all the grandkids (except Cal)! The kids had all been literally counting down the days until seeing each other, and I'm glad they all had such a great time. On the Official Day we ate TONS of scrumptious food, saw lots of family, and went to our annual *Thanksgiving* movie, The Muppets. Which, by the way, was fabulous! Soooo cute and hilarious! We've since bought the soundtrack and I'm pretty sure my kids (and us!) know every song by heart. I then proceeded to deprive myself of sleep and warmth and tackled Black Friday. I emerged victorious the next day at about 7am. Got everything I went for. Luckily, that was the same night my kids were at the sleepover so I was able to come home and crash for a couple of hours before Callum woke up. Then we snuggled in bed together to make it an even later morning. It was a good Holiday (so much to be Thankful for this year!) and we all enjoyed celebrating with our family.
As part of an early Christmas surprise, Kaleb and I got the kids a PUPPY! We had been discussing it for quite awhile and finally decided it'd be alright to start looking around for one. Since I had already raised, trained, and grown up with a LITTLE dog (toy poodle), I decided I wanted a big dog this time. Not huge, just big. One I could take running at nights and feel protected. One that would discourage strangers from trespassing and such. So we looked around for a bit and finally found a litter of pups through the online classifieds that sounded and looked perfect. We then surprised the kids with a trip to Orem to go take a look at them. Justin didn't seem to mind which one we picked, and Angie was insistent on getting the girl puppy. So, we did! Since us girls picked out the type and gender of dog, we let the boys pick her name. I was not surprised one bit that they settled on a name from a video game... lol... "ZELDA". Zelda has been a great addition to our family. She is such a big sweetheart with all the kids, and is a social butterfly. Very energetic, playful, and sweet-natured. Her dad is a German Shepherd, Mom an Irish Setter. She looks quite a bit (fur and coloring) like her mom, but her build she gets more from her dad. She's mainly black with areas that have a dark brown/reddish tint to them. She's closing in on 6 months now and has really G-R-O-W-N since we brought her home. She was smaller than Cal when we first got her, and is now almost twice the size of Justin (on all fours). She had a checkup recently and was already at 38 lbs! She's done really well training-wise, she's got the potty-training down pat and a couple other basic commands learned, and we just started a puppy education class with her to help continue the training. She's been excellent with the chewing issue; learned quickly that chewing on things other than her toys was UNACCEPTABLE. Her main issue was going for walks. Kaleb and I could handle her alright, but when Angela would take her, it was ZELDA who was walking ANGELA. lol... Her puppy class introduced some new tools and tips to nipping this issue in the bud and so far it is going great! The only other issue she has is constantly trying to lick everyone all the time! An occasional kiss is sweet, but she gets easily carried away with it and none of us are real big fans of a lot of dog slobber everywhere. So we're working on that as well. But other than that she has been fabulous! I am so glad we've added her to the mix. Such a sweet pup! =)
This month I finished another Math class with flying colors! Hooray! It was the first time I had taken a math class completely ONLINE... and it was starting to really stress me out... but all my stressing and hard work paid off when I passed the class with an A+. I have taken this spring semester off to recoup from that experience... lol... but I plan on taking another online class soon, possibly summer semester, maybe fall semester. After this last class I realized that, although gaining an education is a righteous desire, I can't let it dominate everything else and leave my family neglected. I was really feeling overwhelmed during this last math class. And perhaps that had a lot to do with Math being such a tough subject to begin with, and then trying to learn it on your own through online video tutorials and such, on top of my character "flaw" of always having to do my absolute BEST on every assignment and every quiz/test,-- it just got really stressful around here. And I felt like a lot of other things were slipping and being neglected because of it. So, I decided that I am definitely going to continue with my education, slowly and steadily, but if it ever comes down to having to choose between my classes and my family, family will come first. This is such a crucial time for my kids, a time that I will NEVER get back. And I don't want to have any regrets when it comes to raising my sweet children. So perhaps fall semester I will try something simple from my list of classes I need. Thinking about a Nutrition class... and I will do the online thing again since you just can't beat the flexibility with that.
Callum launched himself out of his crib in the middle of the night this month. We took that as a cue to lower the crib mattress. LOL! Poor kid... after some cuddle time though he didn't seem any worse for the wear and went back to sleep. He has grown so much the last few months! I'll throw a little insert in here to catch you all up on how he's grown ---
***He went from rolling and scooting, to sitting, to army crawling, to real crawling, to pulling himself up on things, to cruising the furniture like a pro all in about the space of about 4 months. And he is now currently pushing and walking across rooms with just about anything he can find that will slide across the floor (chairs, the trash can, his walker) . His 1st birthday is just around the corner and I am sure that he will be full-on walking in NO time. He has 3 bottom teeth and signs that his top 2 are on their way. He has taken to his own version of "dancing" anytime music is playing, and even when there's no music at all! He makes silly faces and gabs away all day in his own Cal-Pal language. He has gone blonde, like his big sister. Still has blue eyes. (I'm hoping for some green eyes somewhere!) He is such a good eater, and a SUPERB sleeper. And almost always as happy as can be. I am still amazed that I have lucked out with 3 EASY babies... Literally... All 3 of them have been simply golden! I joke that the Lord must have known there was no way I would keep having babies if they weren't so easy. I'm hoping it all doesn't come back to bite me in the rear as they get older! Cal's laugh is truly infectious and he is such a ray of sunshine. I cannot believe it has been almost a year since he joined our family.***
The rest of December was filled with the usual Christmas Fun; school programs, gingerbread houses, family parties, playing in the snow, good food, presents, ... a great time was had by all!!
Then we had the annual New Year's Eve celebration; games, food, fireworks in the street (which Cal and Justin did NOT like)...
I had to talk in church that following Sunday and was relieved when I survived it! Hopefully that means I'm off the hook for a few years... ; )
A good friend of ours got engaged, and I threw a bachelorette party for his fiancé. She is such a cute girl and was such a good sport over all the attempts to embarrass her. ; ) It was a fun night with a good turnout. They got married on my birthday and they are so cute together. We were able to go to the Temple for their sealing, and Kaleb was his witness. We partied the ENTIRE day away with friends and family, celebrating their marriage. I always love going to sealings. There is such a strong spirit there in that room at the start of a new Eternal family. I always get teary-eyed and find myself reminiscing back to my own special day... together with the man I searched my entire life for, and our beautiful little girl Angela Mae.... all dressed in white, holding hands on the altar, surrounded by our closest loved ones, being sealed together for Time and All Eternity. I am getting chills now just thinking of it... I LOVE the Temple. I pray that my children will never forget the power and importance of the Temple. I pray that I will one day witness the sealings of all my children to sweet, worthy, Eternal companions. Having an Eternal Family is truly what it's all about.
A sad event for the month of January was losing our best friends to Idaho. Boo! The Northrop Family holds a special place in all of our hearts. Us adults all clicked so perfectly and all the kids were best buds as well. It was so sad to see them go, but it will be a great opportunity for their family. We hope to be able to still see them occasionally as time and money permits.
This month Angela was kind of the star of the show... Kaleb surprised her with a *date* to a REAL royal ball. She wore her princess dress, got her hair curled, and was chauffeured by her daddy to a fun evening complete with dancing, princesses, and horse-drawn Cinderella-type carriage rides. She was thrilled!
Then, she made the choice to get baptized and her daddy was proud and ecstatic to do so. She was the picture of an Angel in a beautiful white dress she picked out herself. We had a yummy luncheon at our home afterwards and there was an abundance of loved ones there to share the special day with us. Thanks to everyone who came and helped out and supported such a special event! We missed those of you who were unable to make it, but we understand how that goes. Angela also got to start Activity Days through church since she is now 8. They have activities every other thursday after school and she is loving it! It's a cute group of girls and her leaders are adorable as well. So happy for her! Can't believe she's that old already though...
Angela joined the school choir with a friend and has been really liking it so far. She walks around constantly humming and singing and has such a sweet little voice (even if she sings the same line repeatedly for an hour!). She goes to choir practice twice a week and has a choir concert coming up in April.
I was put on the committee to help plan our Stake Women's Conference. It's in a little over a week and it has been a neat experience being behind the scenes and helping plan it. It's really coming together and will be a great event. For a more official calling, I was put into the Compassionate Service for our ward and have already been able to help out with some things. Kaleb was also called as a Cub Scout leader (bears) and has really been enjoying that. He's really good with the boys and they have already done some pretty cool sounding activities.
I registered Justin for preschool, and also had put him on the waiting list for this current year. Then they called to let me know that a slot opened up for this year and he could start right away! So we finished up some paperwork, found him a super cool Phineas & Ferb (his favorite show) backpack, some pencils, paper, etc and off he went! This year he goes Mondays and Wednesdays for 3 hours in the afternoon. And, even better, it's at Angela's school! So, I drop him off after lunch and then Angie picks him up and they walk home together with friends. Such a sweet set-up! His teacher is super sweet and the classroom is adorable and he is absolutely loving it! It will be so good for him to get out of the house and socialize and learn how a classroom works and exercise his brain. So very excited for him to be starting this new chapter... but who the heck gave my kids permission to grow up???
--- WHEW!!
And there you have it! The Knobel family happenings for 2011 (and some 2012)! It's crazy that I let blogging go so long without an update... I will try and do better. *sigh* Not sure I should make any promises though. Life is crazy! But it's also beautiful. Every little bit. I love my life and wouldn't trade it for anyone else's for any amount of anything. Brings a song to mind....
" I love this crazy, tragic, sometimes almost magic, awful, beautiful life.... "