Friday, May 14, 2010

Not to worry... We're all still alive!

The last couple months have been like a whirlwind! A lot has happened. Let's see if we can't get y'all up to date! =)

My dad had his surgery for his prostate cancer. Everything went well with the procedure. The Anesthetics made him REALLY sick, and I managed to show up at his hospital bedside while he was at his worst. That was rough. =(  However, he bounced back quickly after some rest. He only spent a couple of days in the hospital, then went home and began recovering well. A few days later, late at night, I get a call from my mom informing me that my dad had been driven to the floor by pain and cramping, had turned sickly white and could barely breathe, and had been taken by ambulance to the ER. I rushed over to the hospital, and was overwhelmed by the feeling of deja-vu as I hurried through the halls to his room--I had just been there a couple weeks back with Justin, twice. Now it was my dad's turn apparently. NOT COOL. The staff there probably knows me by name now! Sheesh!

My mom had tried to tell me I didn't need to come out, that she'd keep me updated and informed, but I wasn't about to buy into any of that nonsense. Plus, since when have I ever listened to my parents??? ; ) I knew the moment I laid eyes on my mother's face that it was a good thing I showed up. I sat by my parents sides, held my mom's hand, and helped to calm the environment the best I could.

After a few grueling hours there, it was determined that a UTI, accompanied by a blood clot which formed post-surgery, had caused all the problems. He was given meds and sent home. Thankfully, my dad has since finished his recovering, problem-free, and has even returned back to work! The other day he did some follow-up blood tests to check on things and he is now CANCER-FREE!!

**Insert HUGE sigh of relief**

That's three times now that I've seen my dad lying poor, helpless, and in pain in a hospital bed. Let me tell you... it sucks big time! He better just knock it off and be as healthy as a horse from now on!

The ugly monster that is Cancer struck again on the other side of the family tree. We found out that Kaleb's mom had some skin cancer on her face. I felt trampled on when I heard this news. I just didn't want to hear any more bad news tied to Cancer. It's just too scary, too real. Luckily, she went in for her surgery and had it removed and, so far, she hasn't had any other problems with it. She also will be having some post-op testing done to be sure it's all gone and I am eager to hear a GOOD report from that.

In other medical news, Kaleb and his doctors believe they have found the cure to his ailments and things have been going smoothly there now for a couple of weeks!

**Insert another sigh of relief**

Hallelujah! Now I need to just bug my mother a little more to follow up on some medical things and all will be well. =)

Since my last post, we added two Guinea Pigs to our house. They were both cute and fluffy and surprisingly calm and gentle with the kids--and vice versa! Sadly, we hadn't had them barely 2 weeks when Justin's small "pig-pig" keeled over and died. I was highly un-enthused. I think it was more tragic for me than anyone else! We took the lifeless tragedy back to PETCO and got a new one to replace him. Things seemed to be going fine until I noticed them itching like crazy. Then Angela's "pig-pig" had a wound-like spot over-take the side of his face. I gathered up both "pig-pigs" (if you haven't figured it out yet, this is what Justin calls them and the name has stuck around here) and headed into the Vet's office. I was not amused. I had just been through the *medical* ringer with my HUMAN family. Now I was doing it with non-human members of the family. UGH. Turned out they had both mites and ringworm! They got started on meds (BIG pain in the butt!) and I started wishing we had just gone with goldfish. Angela and Justin ended up catching the ringworm from the "pig-pigs", so they did 2 weeks on a fungal cream that just didn't seem to be working. We've now switched to a different cream that seems to already be helping only a couple days in. We got the skin infections cleared up on the "pig-pigs" and I'm hoping we've also finally found the answer for my kids' infections.

Here's the FANTASTIC part... After all this hullabaloo with Vet visits and having to give 2 "pig-pigs" oral medicine everyday, they start beating up on each other! We were told this would be a possibility since they're male and have to act all macho. I threw my hands into the air and said, "That's it!!" I promptly took the newer of the 2 "pig-pigs" back to PETCO and got my money back. The manager tried to give me trouble over it, but after one look of "don't even try it" and a couple of choice words from me and he couldn't get his cash drawer open fast enough. I am SO over this whole *critter* thing. I'm about ready to set this other one loose in the field behind our house because he's acting all mopey and weird. They are such strange little creatures. Fight with each other when together, and then mope when they're separated. A goldfish is sounding really nice right about now...

Mid-March, I ditched Kaleb and the kids and took a trip north to Boise to spend some much-needed quality time with my big sister. I spent the weekend there and we had a lot of fun! Saturday, just my sister and I hit the town and got pedicures, went to lunch, and did some shopping. We stayed up late almost every night and chatted and laughed together. I missed Kaleb and my babies, but it was really nice to be able to focus 100% on me and my sister's time together. Kaleb was such a good sport about me stealing away for the weekend too. He is such a good hubby!

The next weekend, Kaleb and I celebrated our anniversary by running away to a castle in the hills! There's a really neat place here called Castle Creek Inn. Interesting story behind it too. It started out as a house that a husband built for the love of his life so that she could be his "queen" with her very own "castle". =) It was later renovated into a bed and breakfast. Each room is enormous and built with a castle theme. We stayed in a room called The Garden Room. It was green and beautiful with a 3 sided fireplace and it's very own private garden terrace. Off of the main lobby, there is a grand dining hall where they actually SERVE you a 3 course meal as your "complimentary breakfast". There were also complimentary snacks, drinks, boardgames and movies. I joked with Kaleb that I wanted to experience it ALL! So then he made it his duty to see to it that I did! We sipped hot cocoa as we strolled the private gardens, had snacks and drinks while watching a movie by the fire, soaked in the jacuzzi with candles and color-changing light effects, and I got officially hooked on the board game of Mancala. Going to have to buy that one! It was so nice to get away with the love of MY life and celebrate 3 magical years together. I simply can't wait to spend the rest of eternity with him. He is such a good man, father, companion. I would definitely say that I'm lucky to have him, even though he constantly says he's the lucky one. =)

Also during the month of March, Justin decided he was done with the whole crib business. He began climbing OUT of his crib when it was supposed to be bedtime/naptime! Reluctantly we did some rearranging and got him into a big boy bed of his own! He looked so tiny in that big bed! I just couldn't believe he had grown up so quickly! Justin was thrilled and would climb into it and pretend to sleep. But I was worried about the battle that I was sure would ensue when it was actually bedtime. Amazingly, he has done awesome transitioning! We've had a couple of nights where there was a slight struggle of wills, but it's never lasted more than a few minutes! I am so stoked at how well he's done! He really is such a big boy now! He even calls it his "big boy bed" and asks for it when he gets tired. So cute!

**New Big Boy Bed***

***Angela's New Bed***

For Easter, we colored eggs, eggs, and more eggs! We ended up with quite a load! We visited family, ate lots of good food, and did a couple of different easter egg hunts with the kids. Justin was fun with the egg hunt this year. He was pretty good at finding those eggs! Both kids acquired lots of candy and goodies from all around. The easter bunny sure was busy this year! They both also got cute, new Easter outfits. Since conference fell on Easter Sunday, they wore them not only for that day, but also to church the NEXT week. Angela loves to strut around in new duds! She's such a girl! =)

Last month I finished up my college math class. I soared through the whole coarse with brilliant, flying colors! Woo-hoo!! I got a 100% on my final exam and scored an A+ for the class. I am SO excited and relieved! I was really concerned when I took that stinking placement test and didn't recognize hardly anything on there! But it all came back really easily and it was a good class. So that's 2 pre-requisites down, and still like 10 to go! *sigh* I guess baby steps are better than NO steps, right?? I've decided to be a slacker and take the summer off due to the fact that Angie and the kids I nanny are all in a traditional school schedule, giving them almost 3 months off this summer. So, during the summer my job will be A LOT more interesting!! I'm hoping it all runs smoothly. I'm sure it will. They're good kids. But, as for now, the plan is to take the next required math class in the Fall. I am REALLY hoping taking the summer off doesn't turn out to be a huge mistake. I find myself wondering if I will forget the basic concepts I just learned through this last class, which then could hinder my ability to succeed at the next one. =/  Hopefully I won't! 

The month of April also brought about wedding festivities! Kaleb's younger brother was preparing to take a sweet girl to the Temple to be sealed for time and all eternity. I was so excited for them! They are too cute together! On the 10th we were lucky enough to be a part of both of them receiving their endowments. They had picked the Salt Lake Temple to be married in, as well as for their endowments. That Temple is so gorgeous. I am in awe of it's beauty every time I go there. Kaleb was honored to act as his little brother's escort that day. Both of the newlyweds-to-be were so nervous and jittery and excited. It was cute. It brought back memories of the day I received my own endowments and the emotions that ran so strong that day, as well as the day of our sealing. I'm still a spiritual *baby* so to speak when it comes to the Temple. I still have plenty to learn and comprehend yet. But it was special to be there for the two of them and see them experience the spirituality of everything for the very first time. Afterwards we headed down to the Temple Cafeteria and we all had dinner together. It was really nice.

Then, just a short week later, we were also privileged enough to be present for their sealing. This is the first time that I have ever been to the temple to witness someone else partaking of the blessings and ordinances of the Temple. It was really special to see the two of them come together at the altar and become a forever family. It was a beautiful ceremony and I bawled like a baby. =) A funny note, at the end of the ceremony the sealer told Kaleb's brother to "kiss the bride". He was so nervous, he reached across and gave her the quickest *peck* on the lips any of us have ever seen. The sealer paused for a moment, looked at him and said, "Well, okay. If that's the best you've got you can return to your seats."  LOL!! It was sooo funny! Everyone chuckled, including the sealer. =) Later, when asked what the deal was, Kaleb's brother replied, "It's the temple! I didn't wanna totally MAKE-OUT with her across the altar!!"  =D It was a good, good day. They both looked stunning and there were big smiles all around. The luncheon was scrumptious; Fuddruckers, since burgers are his favorite food group. =) The reception was lovely and romantic, and my cute kids ran amuck and charmed everyone. Justin even caught the garder! We SUFFICIENTLY decorated their car-- heard it took 45 minutes and $12 to get it clean!! They spent their honeymoon at Disneyland and we hear they had tons of fun! We saw some cute pictures. I am so happy for them, and I am excited to see them create their very own eternal fairytale.

I am so thankful for the Temples and the blessings that come from taking part in the ordinances and the total peace you can feel when you're within those hallowed halls. I LOVE the Gospel and my Savior and Heavenly Father. I am so very grateful for the opportunity to have an Eternal family. I am so proud of those two newlyweds living righteously and striving for and attaining a temple marriage. It's so very important!! I hope and pray that I can live my life in such a way that my own children will also have that strong desire for the Temple to bless their lives as it has surely blessed mine. There is NOTHING more important than an ETERNAL FAMILY. Everything I do in life is aimed at being worthy of this sweet blessing. There truly is nothing sweeter...